Decorative Pots
Well placed pottery and containers are such fun and can add so much to an area; whether that be the front door entrance or a back deck or patio. With the right plants, it is possible to have something lovely almost all year round. Abbott’s carries a full line of pots and containers; from elegant urns to more casual whiskey barrels, there are many options to suit your style.
- Glazed
- Teracotta
- Lightweight Plastic
- Fiber Clay
Container and Raised Beds
Pots, tubs, and half barrels overflowing with flowers add appeal to any garden, but container gardening can serve a practical purpose too. Many vegetables can be easily grown in containers; and often with better results because you can control the soil quality, and don’t have the back breaking hoeing, weeding and other chores that can make traditional gardening out of reach for many.
- Galvanized Tubs & Containers
- Converted Feed Troughs